Fortbildung bei der DGRA e.V.


New Strategies for the development of New Molecular Entities

27. Februar 2008 in Bonn


Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Granzer
Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Granzer


Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008 | 09.30 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr Termin in den eigenen Kalender übertragen


Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn
Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 - 30 20

  • Programmvorschau Änderungen vorbehalten

    Programm am 27. Februar 2008

    09.30 Introduction: New Strategies for the development of New Molecular Entities
    • Why are they necessary?
    • Which trends and new ideas are being intorduced?
    Dr. U. Granzer, Granzer Regulatory Consulting and Services, Munich
    10.00 The role of biomarkers and surrogate parameters in the development of new drugs
      Dr. Steffen Bassus, PEI, Langen
    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Meyer-Sabellek, AstraZeneca, Bruxelles
    10.45 Coffee Break
    11.15 Phases in clinical trials, are they outdated?
    • Pre-Phase I developments: Earlier into man?
    Dr. Ian Hudson, MHRA, London
    PD Dr. Michael Kirchengast, Pharmaceutical Research Associates GmbH,Mannheim
    • Adaptive designs to combine clinical development phases
    Dr. Peter Volkers, PEI, Langen
    Dr. Martin Krauss, FGK, Munich
    12.30 Discussion
    13.00 Lunch
    14.00 Interaction between Industry and Regulatory Authorities, new ways for drug approvals
    • Translational medicine and critical path initiative of FDA
    Dr. U. Granzer, Granzer Regulatory Consulting and Services, Munich
      New ways to obtain an early approval: Conditional approval: Approval under exceptional circumstances; compassionate use programmes
    Dr. Birka Lehmann, BfArM, Bonn
    Dr. ChristineMayer-Nicolai, Merck Serono, Darmstadt
    15.30 Discussion
    16.00 End

  • Kostenbeitrag und Stornierungen

    For DGRA-members: € 230,-

    (Lunch can be taken on one ́s own account in the Casino.)

    Es gelten die allgemeinen Veranstaltungshinweise / AGB's.

  • Anreise und Unterkunft,
    Special condition in the

    Hotel Königshof
    Adenauerallee 9
    53111 Bonn

    Tel.: 0228/2601-0
    (Buchungscode: DGRA_HK)

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