Fortbildung bei der DGRA e.V.


Jahr 2008

17. - 18. Juni 2008 in Bonn


Prof. Burkhard Sträter


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008 | 09.30 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr
Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008 | 09.30 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr Termin in den eigenen Kalender übertragen


Wasserwerk Bonn
Hermann-Ehlers-Straße Eingang V, 53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 92 67 - 0

  • Programmvorschau Änderungen vorbehalten

    Programm am 17. Juni 2008

    9.30 Welcoming Speech by Dr. Ulrich Granzer
    9.45 Pharmaceuticals in the EU: Heading for the Future – "Have your Say" Initiative
      Initiative of the EU Commission: Public consultation on the future of pharmaceuticals for human use in the EU
    • Background and present state of play
    Martin Terberger, EU Commission, Brussels
      Revising the pharmaceutical landscape in the EU – The industry ́s perspective
    Christine-Lise Joulou, EFPIA, Brussels
    10.45 Coffee break
    11.15 An Eu-Member State position
      Dr. Aginus Kalis, MEB, The Hague
      Transatlantic Simplification of Administrative Procedures in the Area of Pharmaceuticals
    Arielle North, EMEA, London
    12.15 Panel Discussion
    12.45 Lunch break
    14.15 Heading for New Approaches – Future of the BfArM in the EU MA System
      Prof. Dr. Johannes Löwer, BfArM, Bonn
      Advanced Therapies: Implementing New Regulations
    • Products concerned
    • Authorisation procedures
    Prof. Dr. Claus Cichutek, PEI, Langen
    15.15 Coffee break
    15.45 Consequences for research-based industry
      Dr. Gabriele Schäffner, NDA, Freiburg
    16.15 Panel Discussion with all Speakers
    16.40 One Year Pediatric Committee – PDCO
    • Main tasks
    • Problems of ongoing PIP ́s
    • Experience and outcome
    Prof. Daniel Brasseur, EMEA, London
    17.00 Award of the Walter Cyran Medal
      (ends at around 17.30)
    19.00 Pre-Dinner Speech: 10 Years DGRA – What Next?
      Dr. Ulrich Granzer, Chair of the DGRA
    Reception and buffet

    Programm am 18. Juni 2008

    9.30 EU Variations Regulations
    • Revision of the EU Variations Regulations – outcome of the consultation process and further steps
    Dr. Susanne Keitel, EDQM/DEQM, Strasbourg
    • Consequences for the pharmaceutical industry – Will the changes make the EU a more competitive market place?
    Dr. Rüdiger Faust, Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen
    11.00 Coffee break
    11.30 Consequences for competent authorities - Will the change simplify administrative hurdles?
      Dr. Truus Janse-de Hoog, MEB, The Hague
      EU Variation System binding for national MA? – Consequences for authorities
      Susanne Winterscheid, BfArM, Bonn
    12.30 Panel Discussion with all Speakers
    13.00 End
    14.00 DGRA Members’ Meeting
  • Kostenbeitrag und Stornierungen

    For DGRA members: € 450,-
    For non-members: € 590,-

    Students special: Students of the DGRA courses (MDRA I to IX) and delegates of bodies who are members of the DGRA: € 240,-

    • Up to two weeks before the first day of the conference: € 50,-
    • Up to one week before the first day of the conference: 50% of fee
    • Later cancellations: full conference fee if a substitute participant (DGRA member) cannot be put forward.

    In the event of cancellation by the organizer, any fees already paid will be fully reimbursed.

  • Anreise und Unterkunft

    Hotel (Günnewig) Bristol
    Prinz-Albert-Straße 2
    D-53113 Bonn
    Tel.: 0228/26 98-0
    Fax: 0228/26 98-2 22

    Hotel Hilton
    Berliner Freiheit 2
    D-53111 Bonn
    Tel.: 0228/7269-0
    Fax: 0228/7269-700

    Hotel (Günnewig) Residence
    Kaiserplatz 11
    D-53113 Bonn
    Tel.: 0228/2697-0
    Fax: 0228/2697-777

    Hotel Königshof
    Adenauerallee 9
    D-53111 Bonn
    Tel.: 0228/26 01-0
    Fax: 0228/26 01-529

    Hotel Maritim
    Godesberger Allee
    D-53175 Bonn
    Tel.: 0228/81 08-0
    Fax: 0228/81 08-811

    A limited number of rooms are available for participants at special rates in the hotels listed below. When making reservations please refer to this event.

  • Walter-Cyran-Medaille
  • Mitgliederversammlung Mitgliedern vorbehalten
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