Förderung wissenschaftlicher Arbeit
Preisverleihung 2005
Dr. Arno Wiehe (Abschlußjahr: 2005) Summary der Master-Thesis: Data protection for the development of known drug substances - Changes with the review of EU legislation Dr. Oliver Weyand (Abschlußjahr: 2005) Summary der Master-Thesis: Generic Medicinal Product Portfolio from a Regulatory and Business Development point of view Andrea Hörner (Abschlußjahr: 2005) Summary der Master-Thesis: Describe the CADREAC-procedure for a product which was authorized via mutual recognition procedure in the EU and ... Dr. Karen Rosenkranz (Abschlußjahr: 2005) Summary der Master-Thesis: Regulatory strategies for life-cycle management of chemical defined cytostatic drugs with regard to the new pharmaceutical legislation Dr. Ulrike Domack (Abschlußjahr: 2004) Summary der Master-Thesis: Regulatory Science on Orphan Drug Application within Paediatric FieldBILDERGALERIE
Preisverleihung 2005