DGRA-Jahreskongress 2024
26. Jahreskongress
20.06.2024 - 21.06.2024
![]() ©World Conference Center Bonn
20.06.2024 | 9.30 - 16.00
21.06.2024 | 9.30 - 14.00 Uhr
World Conference Center
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2
53113 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (0)228-9267-0

Prof. Dr. Karl Broich
For DGRA members: € 750,-
For non-members: € 950,-
Student price:
Registered Students of MDRA course and delegates of bodies (Behörden) who are members of the DGRA: € 450,-
The registration is binding. After receipt of the registration a written confirmation will be sent.
You want to become a member of the DGRA e.V.?
Cancellation terms
Cancellation will be charged with a processing fee of 50 €.
In case of short-term cancellation (2 weeks before) 50 % of the registration fee will be charged.
One week before the event the full fee has to be paid, unless a substitute participant (DGRA member) is named.
In the event of cancellation by the organizer, any fees already paid will be fully reimbursed.
Room reservation:
A limited number of rooms are available for participants at special rates in the hotels listed below. When making reservations please refer to DGRA or DGRA Annual Congress.
Insel Hotel GmbH
Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Abrufkontingent vom 19.6.-21.6., Stichwort: “DGRA-Jahreskongress”
Abrufende: 25. April, danach nach Verfügbarkeit.
Motel One Bonn-Beethoven
Bonn Innenstadt
Tel.: +49 (228) 97 27 86-0
Fax: +49 (228) 97 27 86-10
Bookable with booking form. This can be requested via info@dgra.de.
Rheinhotel Dreesen
Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Abrufkontingent nur vom 20.6.-21.6., Stichwort: “DGRA-Jahreskongress”
Abrufende: 9. Mai, danach nach Verfügbarkeit.
Boutiquehotel Dreesen GmbH & Co.KG
Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 8300-60
Abrufende: 9. Mai, danach nach Verfügbarkeit.
More hotel rooms can be booked directly on the internet:
Each participant booking her/his room via the above link of the Tourismus & Congress GmbH will receive a Congress ticket in PDF format with the booking confirmation.
This entitles the participants to use the bus line SB 60 from Airport Cologne / Bonn to Bonn Hbf, the train line 66 from the ICE station Siegburg - Bad Honnef, and other buses and trains within the city of Bonn on arrival and departure day. In addition, participants can use the local public free of charge with the Congress ticket during the Congress in the area of Bonn, Cologne, St. Augustin , Siegburg and Königswinter (Verkehrsverbund Rhein Sieg Area).
ZIP-Datei mit allen Vorträgen vom 20.06.2024:
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ZIP-Datei mit allen Vorträgen vom 21.06.2024:
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Unterlagen 20.06.2024
I. The Revision of European Pharmaceutical Legislation, National Pharmaceutical Strategy and Medizinforschungsgesetz (MFG)
MinDirig Dr. Lars Christoph Nickel
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II. National and EMRN Strategies to Foster Innovation and Availability
Prof. Dr. Karl Broich
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III. New Regulations on Shortages - the National Perspective
Dr. Michael Horn
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IV. New Regulations on the Centralized Procedure: Impact on the Approval Process and Interactions with HTA
Dr. Michael Berntgen
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V. Antibiotics Voucher, how they could work and what a Comparable Incentive System has achieved in the US
Dr. Ulrich Granzer
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VI. Innovation via New EU Pharma Legislation? Platform Technologies and the Definition of Gene Therapies – Pharma Industry View
Dr. Maren von Fritschen
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VII. Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery
a. Challenges and Future Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pharmacovigilance
Dr. Dirk Mentzer
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b. Navigating Compliance Post-COVID with AI and Big Data
Dr. Sandra Fill
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c. Applications of Virtual Patients in Pharmaceutical Development
Dr. Britta Wagenhuber
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Unterlagen 21.06.2024
VIII. Global Harmonisation Activities for ATMP
Dr. Kowid Ho
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IX. Electronic Product Information
Craig Anderson
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X. How does eAF, PMS, ePI, Shortage Monitoring fit together
Georg Neuwirther
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XI. Pharmaceutical Quality Dokumentation and Life Cyclones Management in a Data Driven World - Implikation of ICH Q12, M4Q(R2), SQPS
Rodrigo Palacios
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XII. Clinical Trials
Martin Krauss
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